четверг, 9 января 2020 г.


Its key features are: Easy to install, jSecure Lite adds a layer of security to your Joomla! Setting to "Yes", allows you to create a password that will be required when any administrator tries to access the jSecure configuration settings in the Joomla administration area. I've been using this plugin for more than two years now and my site is well secured!! Easy to install, jSecure adds a higher level of security to your Joomla website. Additionally, it hides it from DoS bots that try to crack the admin password. jsecure joomla 3

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If you do not enter a master password, the default password will be "jSecure".

Компонент jSecure Authentication для Joomla /3.x - - free joomla templates

This module only works with Joomla 1. Secure Components Now with jSecure you can jjoomla protect installed components in admin area. The jSecure Lite component prevents access to the administration back end login page if the user does not use the appropriate access key. Display 10 30 60 Spam IP Protection feature blocks the access of spammers to your joomla administrator system. The jCookie plugin for Joomla lets you display a cookie or other legal notice on your Joomla website and inform the visitors that your site uses cookies.

JSP Team Last updated: JSP Store Locator provides easy to use interface for searching location, zip code, area code and provides Google map to display the locations.

And it all come back to me as a perfectly nice and reliable Joomla extensions that I couldn't resist. This allows hackers to hack the site easily once they crack the jsdcure and password for Joomla!. Change Log for J2. Omkar fixed that in a very timely fashion and now we're good.

jSecure Lite

Spam IP Protection 3. Posted on 03 May This extension inserts backlinks to the developer and may impact SEO.

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GPLv2 or later Type: This will open social bookmark butt Excellent Job Aziz 1. Posted on 08 February You can easily set a text and links via HTML tags to documents as the notice along with a custom color for the notification area.

Thank you for the good documentation too: You can also choose a position to display cookie notice on your Websi Using this option will cleanup session of all logged-in users and they let logged-out. Easy to set up, well documented Functionality: Login control to restrict multiple users from logging into the site using same username and password.

jsecure joomla 3

None really needed, but read to Help page to see the default passphrase if you forget to set yours! Joomla has one drawback, any web user can easily know if the site is created in Joomla!

jsecure joomla 3

JSP Store Locator provides easy to use interface for searching location, zip code, area code and provides Google map to display the locations. This allows hackers to hack the site easily once they crack the id and password for Joomla!.

Not Found in Joomla Administrator - JSecure - Joomlashack

Inside textarea field you can use HTML tags. JSP Team Last updated: Multiple secret keys can be set to different groups whom you wish to grant access to your joomla! Excellent, simple and effective Functionality: The jSecure Lite component prevents access to the administration back end login page if th

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