понедельник, 30 декабря 2019 г.


On connecting to any AppleShare service on any server, the first thing the client does is try to determine what method of authentication the server supports. PowerPC , , e, or G3; also supported on series; not supported on , e or clones. However, if any more secure method is available, the plain-text option won't be given. The exception is the plain-text method. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. When connecting Macintosh clients to a server of a different platform, it is often necessary to enable AppleShare services to provide backward compatibility to older workstations, or to provide effective security.

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This module allows AppleShare IP clients to use Microsoft's native Windows authentication protocol, allowing administrators to provide enhanced security by using SMB services with packet signing turned on, as well as providing secure access to Macintosh clients.

As always, when integrating computers using older software onto a newer network, download and install the latest versions of the AppleShare software from Apple Computer's website, and make sure that the operating system is up-to-date. Recent versions of AppleShare support user authentication modules, which are simple plug-ins that add authentication methods to a client.

PowerPC, e, G3, or single G4; also supported on series; not supported one or clones.

Released prior to with PowerPC, e, G3, or G4 s ; also supported on series; not supported one or clones. AppleShare provided three different protocols for application-layer services: In the classic versions of the Mac OS, AppleShare functionality was provided by a suite of extensions and control panels providing configuration and core services for this networking protocol.

This software comes with the server and is also available for download from Microsoft's support website. If the server and client don't have compatible authentication software installed, a username and password can be exchanged via plain text, if the server has been allowed to support it. The most obvious difference between Personal File Sharing and AppleShare is that the former supports only a small number of concurrent remote users.

Retrieved from " https: However, if any more secure method is available, the plain-text option won't be given. AppleShare Authentication The most important task to be accomplished between the client and server using the AppleShare protocol is authentication. PowerPC, e, or G3; also supported on Power Macintosh series; not supported one or clones.

AppleShare would operate with any physical network medium. It is theoretically possible for an IP packet to be intercepted and its contents read by a third party.

Although AppleShare IP provides a secure way for a user and server to exchange names and passwords, it is not an encrypted protocol. If the server supports more than one authentication method, the user is asked to choose one.


What about Kerberos, or the Microsoft authentication protocol? Because various software vendors sell servers that support AppleShare IP, clients need to be able to add authentication methods. PowerPC, e, or G3; also supported on series; not supported one or clones. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The exception is the plain-text method. Mac OSbased computers usually can be counted on to rely on the AppleShare IP protocol although, this is very much at the whim of a network administrator with a modern network, as both Mac OS clients and Mac OS servers support so many other protocols.

This page was last edited on 16 Marchat Can an Apple protocol be used? When connecting Macintosh clients to a server of a different platform, it is often necessary to enable AppleShare services to provide backward compatibility to older workstations, or to provide effective security.

Therefore, care should be taken when exchanging sensitive data.

AppleShare IP Migration - Wikipedia

Views Read Edit View history. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. How is the server to know that the user can be trusted to perform operations on files and folders?

Download the latest version of AppleShare from Apple's support website at http: On connecting to any AppleShare service on any server, the first thing the client does is try to determine what method of authentication the server supports. AppleShare was a product from Apple Computer which implemented various network services. Equivalent third party server products include the open-source Netatalk suite on Unix -like systems, and Services for Macintosh on Microsoft Windows NT and

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