понедельник, 30 декабря 2019 г.


In a or , the ECU burns more frequently after the second or third time. The " " in front of a unit means there are stored fault codes: So, the real issue with regard to using the generic KTS multiplexer versus the Porsche multiplexer occurs when updating reprogramming the flash memory of the DME. The new generation of the porsche diagnosis system piwis 2 includes the complete diagnosis and coding with a new interface the prosche piwis 2, it can be used on all old porsche models, eg. Received 6 Likes on 6 Posts. The porii is a professional fault diagnosis tool designed specifically for porsche vehicles. Find More Posts by geolab. porsche pst2 software

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Durametric porsche diagnostic software frequently asked questions. Some control units do not even use the L-line. So my first little job has been completed successfully: Find More Posts by Marc Shaw. The OBD cables are also different bosch or porschepin wise. Fully cleaned, refurbished and tested, including a new NiMh battery with three times the capacity of the original.

porsche pst2 software

It provides access to the many porsche control units for maintenance and troubleshooting information. Thread Tools Show Printable Version.

PST-2 Diagnostics Tool

Find More Posts by JasonAndreas. The pst2 was the successor to the bosch hammer. Equipped with porsche pst. That's what you see on eBay Germany.

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If one breaks at the dealer, he will be sent one in exchange with the broken one. The bad news first: And voila, the next scan comes up clean. Hard to remove The difference between the two cards is circuit-wise sortware and voltage.

At this point my main goal is to get it to run properly and learn things in the process.

Originally Posted by wrljet. If you want to change the mapping for an engine you would have to reverse-engineer ost2 binary image of the ECU, get the checksums right and inject it back into the PST2 software to get it to write the modded image to the ECU. There were at least 10 if not more. Porsche pst2 download Download porsche manuals.

PST-2 Diagnostics Tool

Ingo, That is very cool. Although both cards look identical, the Bosch card has a green Bosch sticker on one side. Things like the instrument cluster, the immobilizer, remote entry, alarm, vehicle history just to name a few. Hello there, ok man, you 're exactly doing what i'm planning to do: Why would you want it to run on a kts.

DHL Express delivery on request. Piwis tester ii with plrsche laptop for porsche piwis tester ii is the latest professional tester for porshe, the most poweful diagnose and offline programming tool for porsche, with latest tester for porsche, powerful functions, full access.

What should I pay for a PST2 Tester?? - Rennlist - Porsche Discussion Forums

First, the Porshce scans the vehicle and highlights all control units found in the car. In this particular configuration it runs a crippled version of Windows 3. It finds the DME. The porii is an easy to use, stand alone unit that will have you scanning your vehicle within minutes.

What's a KTS in good condition with new and old and style cables worth?

porsche pst2 software

Out of sheer frustration I went ahead and hooked the KTS siftware up to the The newer models follow the standard SAE J that was mandated by the US Government EPA, it wasn't just coincidence that every aftermarket tuner came out with a flash upgrade feature at the same time.

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